Happy Endings
(A few of our many happy endings)

AFLAR kept this little guy from going into the shelter. I’m so glad I was leaving the shelter as Coco was being dropped there. I asked the family to hold him and give me a few days to find a foster home for him, while AFLAR networked him for a forever home. They said yes! We found a wonderful foster, Heather Johnson, who was awesome, and we want to thank her for being a fantastic FIRST TIME FOSTER!!! Coco, now renamed SCOUT, is a happy little boy, living with his new family! In his forever home, he has children and another dog to play with! Big thanks to Kristin for her special help, and to trainer Gail Major, for her time and help working with Scout. Happy life, Scout!!!

AFLAR rescued DIEGO from the shelter, just before Christmas. Guess who is in his forever home now... sweet senior Diego! He's happy and safe in his new home!!! This is why we do what we do!

This is one of the HAPPIEST rescue announcements I’ve ever made!!! And one of the most personal. I am over the moon excited to tell you about a MIRACLE that just happened!!! Three months ago, my family and I lost our beloved and treasured angel, our pit bull named Tara. I haven’t been able—emotionally—to write my tribute to Tara yet, but that is for another time. A few days before we lost our Tara, I was contacted by Stephanie, who had adopted a precious pit bull from AFLAR named BeBe (renamed Pheobie) several years ago. Stephanie had contacted me to tell me that she was having to put down Pheobie, because she had terminal cancer and was in pain. I cried… for Phoebe… and for my Tara... but I didn’t say anything to Stephanie because I didn’t want to add to her burden.
Fast forward to a month later, I was at the shelter (VCAS) meeting dogs who needed rescue. When I was done for the day and needing to leave the shelter, I walked past the kennels and noticed one dog. She pressed her body against her kennel and locked eyes with me. The sign on her kennel said her name was MOODY. There was just something about her that drew me to her. It was late and getting dark outside, and she had the white side of her face facing me (the other side of her face is caramel colored). It wasn’t until I came back a couple days later that I was able to take her out into an exercise yard, and truly meet her. Not only was she sweet and happy and playful, but now that I could see her entire face—both sides of her face (the white side & the caramel side) and her markings, I realized she looked like my Tara! I found out MOODY was urgent at the shelter. She was not kenneling well, and she was showing signs of kennel stress. I asked the shelter for time, and promised to work on her. Trainer Gail Major, who donates countless hours of her time to AFLAR, began working with Moody at the shelter on a regular basis. And the more I visited Moody, the more I fell in love with her! Trainer/Behaviorist Diana Edwards also met me at the shelter to assess and work with Moody, and she loved her, too! Shelter volunteers who knew Moody all said what a sweet girl she was! MOODY couldn’t go into another boarding situation, so I couldn’t pull her and board her. She needed to be in a HOME. This is where FOSTER HOMES SAVE LIVES.
When I was praying for a foster or home for Moody, I thought of Stephanie, and how she had lost her Phoebe a few days before I lost my Tara. I called her, and after talking to Stephanie and telling her all about Moody, she wanted to meet her! Gail and I went to the shelter, picked up Moody, and took her to meet Stephanie and her wonderful family. They fell in love, and Moody is now RUBY, and she is in her FOREVER HOME!!! Thank you to the shelter volunteers and shelter staff. A big Thank You to Diana, Kristin, Linda, Sue, and a special Thank You to Gail for helping me with my mission to save Moody. Stephanie wrote me today, “Thank you so much for trusting us with her. She is such a sweet girl. I haven’t cried since she got here. I’ve cried every day since Phoebe died. She is already mending our hearts.” Angels do that. I knew I had to save MOODY, and I knew she deserved a special and extraordinary family. MOODY—NOW RUBY, HAS FOUND HER SPECIAL AND EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY. 💗💗💗

MITZIE is ADOPTED!!! AFLAR pulled this sweet girl from VCAS, and we are thrilled to announce that MITZIE has found her forever family. And what an awesome family they are! Mitzie struck gold, and I know that her new family feels the same way about her.
Suzanne, her new human Mom writes, "I wanted to send you a huge THANK YOU for bringing Mitzie into our lives! She is AWESOME! After our sweet DeeDee girl passed away in September, we had a huge void in our house felt by us humans and also our other doggie, Dixie. We had searched high and low, trying to find the perfect match for our house and especially for Dixie. You see, Dixie is an alpha female, so we needed to find a doggie that could handle her. Mitzie was that girl! After a week of getting them acclimated to each other, they have become fast friends. And, Mitzie also gets along so well with our two kiddos (ages 12 and 3). What made this happen so flawlessly is having you help us find her! And thank you for introducing us to the trainer, Gail. You both went above and beyond to help us find our forever dog. Mitzie is the sweetest love bug! We are so lucky to have her in our lives."

Little Bill
To me, this story is a little miracle!!! I was at the Camarillo shelter recently, meeting dogs who needed rescue, and I went into the lobby for a minute. I saw a little dog, named Bill, who was about to be turned into the shelter. I went up to the couple and asked them not to turn him in. I asked them if they could keep him a little longer. I promised them if they could give me a little time, I would find him a forever home. They said yes. This dog had been abandoned and they had come to his rescue. They really loved him. But the problem was that the woman is a caregiver and is gone 6 out of 7 days a week, and her husband works very long hours. They wanted Bill to be in a home where he got more attention, and wouldn’t be left alone most of the time. They said he deserved better than what they were able to give him. They thought he would get a good home and be adopted from the shelter. I told them that not only was the shelter overflowing with dogs who needed homes, but that it might be traumatizing to Little Bill, and that’s why I wanted to keep him out of the shelter and help to find him a home. They were grateful, we exchanged phone numbers, and I got a plea up for Bill as soon as I could.
People were very kind and shared Little Bill’s picture and story. But it wasn’t until I posted him a second time that I got a foster offer (thank you Lisa!) quickly followed by a call from Beate, who adopted Chica from AFLAR a couple years ago. Beate said that she could give Little Bill a home! In fact, right before she saw my plea for Bill, Beate said she had asked Chica how she would like a little brother—the thought had just come into her head! And then, she saw my plea for Little Bill!
Beate came to my home yesterday and met Little Bill. On my front porch, next to my bright pink door, sits my favorite angel (along with other angel and animal statues). Little Bill went right up to my favorite angel and kissed her! I just managed to get a picture as he went up to her. It was so incredibly sweet, and kind of magical! It seemed like he knew she was special and like he knew that a miracle was happening. He was being ADOPTED and about to have his own Forever Family!!!
With Love & Gratitude, Maripat

All For Love Animal Rescue (AFLAR) pulled SALTY from VCAS three weeks ago, and I am thrilled to pieces to be able to tell you that this sweet girl has just been ADOPTED by Lisa and her amazing parents! When SALTY was in danger at the shelter, AFLAR came to her rescue and pulled her! It takes a village, and once more I want to give special thanks to trainer Gail Major, behaviorist Diana Eva Edwards, VCAS volunteers Marilyn and Joanna, all those who networked and raised their voices to save SALTY, and to Lisa and her parents for taking a leap of faith and opening their home and hearts to SALTY, to give her the family she so deserves.

RAVEN is an adorable senior female chihuahua mix, who had been living out in a yard for several years, and was rescued from an abusive home. Dr. Kathy Jonokuchi and her daughter Jenna brought her to my attention They were her angels, and Dr. Kathy even took care of some of Raven’s medical needs! Kathy asked me if AFLAR would take Raven on and find her a loving home. Of course I said, YES!!! Well, at the very first AFLAR adoption event we had Raven at, she struck gold! Raven has been adopted into the most wonderful forever home, with parents Lynda and Stanley, who adore her! Plus she also has a grandpa (Lynda’s Dad), and a kitty to play with. Lynda told me, “We fell in love at first sight! We love her so much, and she’s already very, very spoiled!” We wish Raven a very happy, long, and spoiled life with her new family!!!

We have waited a long time for this news. Ralph is adopted!!! He has found his forever home with the Ham family in Ventura, where he will be the center of attention. Ralph literally handpicked this family. They came to his foster home to meet another dog, but for Ralph it was love at first sight. He followed them everywhere, sat on their feet and gave multiple kisses. The Ham's realized they had been "chosen" and were honored to be Ralph's forever family—just what this lover boy has been longing for!
Many of you know of Ralph's journey. He has been in two foster homes and a couple of adoptions, none of which worked out because of his wandering ways. He is such a people lover, to the max. He was just looking for a family who would be around to love him daily, and take him on adventures. Fortunately, he has found this and more, in this lovely family of four who all shower him with love. He is walked twice daily, and goes out for adventures to the park, downtown Ventura, and is hanging with friends all the time. AFLAR is over the moon happy for Ralph, and we wish our precious boy the most wonderful life in his forever home, at last!

Precious is adopted!!! A senior Chihuahua and a favorite at Ventura County Animal Services, Precious was recently pulled from the shelter by AFLAR. Now she has just been adopted into her new forever home. I went to visit Precious, now named Gracie, and her new Mom, Jean, and took photos. She is just the happiest little girl, and so loved! Thanks to all the special volunteers and staff at VCAS, who loved and took care of this little angel, while she was at the shelter. And special thanks to our wonderful AFLAR volunteer, Maureen, who fostered her and gave her lots of love. Happy, happy life precious little one!

We are so happy to report that Layla is adopted!!! AFLAR rescued Layla recently from the shelter, and she went into a wonderful foster home. And now, she has been adopted into a loving home!!! We wanted to share this happy news with you.

FEFE IS ADOPTED!!! FEFE was rescued by AFLAR off death row from a high kill shelter in L.A. Luckily for her, she was spotted by trainer/dog behaviorist Diana Edwards and brought to our attention. She was at the back of the shelter, rescue only, simply because she got out of her former owners broken fenced yard. No one even knew she was there, and the shelter was not networking her at all. She was going to be killed. Thank goodness Maripat got to work and pulled her for AFLAR.
There is just something about gentle, loving Fefe that is really special. She is also a monster kisser...the snuggliest girl in town! Everyone that meets her falls in love. Well, that's how it worked for her family-to-be. When Simon and Jennifer saw her, it was love at first sight. They were literally driving by one of our adoption events and stopped when they saw her. Fefe, now called Brisket, has found a wonderful home with Simon, Jennifer, Shane, and two cats. She takes walks to the beach every day, and spends much of her time on the couch with her head in someone's lap. When we confirmed the adoption with Simon, he said “Fefe is not leaving our house. We are very bonded with her!” Fefe is learning to hang with the cats with Diana's assistance and her new family's patient care.
From death row to living a dream life in a loving forever home!!! Happy New Beginnings precious girl.

Misty's adoption story is one of the sweetest AFLAR has encountered. Misty is middle-aged and was overweight and had arthritis when we rescued her from the Camarillo Animal Shelter. Because of her age and arthritis, she didn’t get easily adopted. She spent two years in boarding, while we tried to find her a home. We all fell in love with her, and she got a lot of love from our AFLAR volunteers She was sad in the kennel, but always joyful and happy when she was out with us at adoptions, or on special outings. Misty hung in there—she is a total trooper!
Last year, at a special event that AFLAR decided to attend at the last minute, a very special thing happened—Rosie met Misty. It was an instant connection! Somehow, Rosie saw the very special, quirky, funny dog all our AFLAR volunteers come to love, but no potential adopter had seen before. But sadly, Rosie's house was full and she couldn't adopt Misty. Misty does best in a one dog home, and Rosie had several rescue dogs. For the next six months, Rosie and her husband Tom did everything they could to make Misty's life wonderful and help AFLAR find her a forever home. They took her to the Barkley Pet Hotel for water therapy, and funded some special meds to help her arthritis. They also took her all over on daily walks with her "adopt me" vest on. They donated spa stays at the Barkley, and the the Barkley to help network her. Misty began to loose weight! She walked more, she was not in pain, and she was feeling loved and special. She became Rosie's office dog during the day. But sadly, she had to go back to boarding at night. Despite everyone's efforts, Misty still did not find a home and get adopted.
Getting pit bull type dogs forever homes can be very challenging, particularly if they are older, or have health or behavior issues. It can take years for some to find their forever family. Meanwhile, Rosie and Tom moved to a larger home. As the move drew near, Rosie and Tom began to acknowledge that Misty had somehow truly become their dog! The bond they had all formed was strong and deep. They just had to figure out a way to make it work with their pack. So they built Rosie her own room with a couch and TV in their new house, where they would hang out with Misty and often sleep with her. They rotate all the dogs, and Misty is Rosie's office dog during the day. She has a big yard to play in and a loving forever home at last! Rosie and Tom are committed to integrating her into their pack as much as possible, with our trainers guidance. Misty is being showered with love and attention! Her health needs will always be met, and she has a forever family that absolutely adores her! This was truly a journey we have all taken together with this precious dog and this family, starting with an event that AFLAR almost didn't attend—and ending with Misty's loving forever home AT LAST!!!
We want to give a very special thank you to several AFLAR volunteers who, over the last two years, have poured a lot of love into this girl, and kept her heart from breaking. This allowed her to be ready for her forever people when they came. Thank you so much for your care of our Misty girl! Finally, we want to thank Rosie and Tom for the enormous effort they have made for the love of a dog. They totally turned Misty's life around. They gave of themselves—their unwavering love, time and attention—and most precious of all, despite all the obstacles, they gave her a loving home. We love you Rosie & Tom, and cannot think of a more amazing and loving couple to entrust our precious Misty to! Saving one dog won't change the world, but surely the world will change for that one dog. Happy New Beginnings Misty!!!

Miki, a sweet little senior dog, was recently dumped at the shelter. His family said they no longer had time for him. AFLAR was helping a wonderful woman named Lori, find a buddy for her 10-year-old dog named DJ. When Lori met Miki, she fell in love! Miki (now Morty) is now loved and spoiled, and already is playing and taking naps with DJ. He has visited the groomer and looks like a new dog. Lori says, "he will have a good life. Thank you so much for helping me find him!"

We are so happy to report that Barnabas, the beautiful white kitty, has been adopted. AFLAR had to find him a new home, after his original owner gave birth to a baby with very serious health problems, in additional to caring for her two older children. Barnabas is a big love bug, who loves to be held, purrs up a storm, and is fantastic with kids! His new human mother Suzanne, has renamed him Sinatra. His original owner is grateful that this wonderful cat, will now get the love and attention he so richly deserves!

We are so happy to announce that All For Love Animal Rescue’s PENNY is adopted!!! Gail and Bob have welcomed Penny into their home and family. She has met the whole family, two and four-footed, and they all love her! She will be living with Gail and Bob and will have them all to herself, but will have doggie playmates in the family. Penny also has a wonderful yard to sniff around in, and a big deck to sun herself on. Gail and Bob fell in love with Penny the moment they met her. They have continued to tell us how wonderful she is, and how happy they are to adopt her and have her forever! The AFLAR family is overjoyed our sweet little princess has found her family! Thank you to all of our AFLAR volunteers who helped care for and love Penny, while she waited for her forever home. It was worth the wait. Happy New Beginnings, precious girl!!!

Sadie is adopted!!! This little love muffin stole a lot of hearts, and she had so many people wanting to adopt her! I was contacted by Kaitlyn, who found “Baby" as a stray, and took her in and fostered her. She would have loved to adopt Baby herself, but her big dog at home did not like other dogs and so it was not possible. Kaitlyn and her mother and sister were all angels, and took such good care of Baby, while trying to find her a good home or a rescue to help. I decided to take Baby on under AFLAR, and then Baby was spayed, got all her shots, and was microchipped. After just one plea, I was contacted by so many wonderful people. It was heartwarming to talk to so many folks with big hearts, who were touched by Baby’s sweet face. Baby’s new parents are Mark and Chris, and they ADORE her!!! Her new name is “SADIE," and she has her new parents all to herself—although she has doggie friends in the neighborhood. Her Dad works from home, and her Mom works 4 days a week, so Sadie gets a lot of attention every day, which of course, she certainly deserves! Mark and Chris tell us that "she is a delightful and very loving dog. We are so happy to have her!"
Happy New Beginnings sweet girl. 💗💗💗

Callie & Scrappy
Callie and Scrappy have been adopted! AFLAR pulled this wonderful senior Pit Bull couple earlier this year. And then the most amazing thing happened—they got adopted together to a sweet couple. Thank you to everyone at VCAS for loving & nurturing Callie and Scrappy while they were at the shelter for so long. And always, my deepest thanks to our awesome AFLAR volunteers and supporters, for their dedication to the dogs.

Clover has been adopted by her foster family! She is now part of an absolutely awesome family (Momma Dawn, doggie sister Stella, and two cats—Starlight & Stardust). Clover’s new name is NOVA. She is the Momma Pit Bull that was found injured near a dog park in Simi Valley months ago, before being brought to the Camarillo Animal Shelter. All For Love Animal Rescue (AFLAR) rescued her, and got her into an amazing, loving foster home after she got the medical treatment she needed. Shortly after we pulled her from the shelter, and she was happy and thriving in her foster home, we began to notice that Clover was limping a little, and suddenly it became clear that she was having trouble walking without pain. AFLAR immediately had her assessed at the vet and took X-rays which confirmed that she had torn cranial cruciate ligaments (ACL in humans) in both knees, in addition to a tear of the meniscus. AFLAR started an urgent fundraiser to raise $2,400 for the surgery that was absolutely critical to repair all the damage, and ensure she could live a long, happy life, free of pain. All of us at AFLAR live for these miraculous, beautiful, heart-warming stories and happy endings. They give us joy, inspiration, strength, and faith—and help remind us that together, we can save many precious lives and make a difference in this world of ours.

Nina’s story is quite a dramatic one, but thank god, it has a happy ending. I was contacted about helping this sweet girl. AFLAR rescued Nina, we got her the medical help she needed, found her a great foster home, she made friends with her little foster brother, Thor… and unexpectedly, Nina’s dream came true. The family fell in love with her! She is deliriously happy to be a part of a wonderful family and knows that she is treasured and loved. Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers for Nina. — Maripat Davis, AFLAR President & Founder

Polbora has been adopted by her foster Mom, Gayle, who told me she was just intending to foster her, but they have bonded so quickly, she just can’t let her go!!! It's clear that they’re already completely in love! Gayle has re-named Polbora PAULI. She says it suits her because it feels more soft and gentle and sweet, like she is. My heartfelt thanks to two very special trainers, Gail Major and Diana Edwards, who both donated their time to assess and work with Pauli; Jerry Dulek for his special assistance; Karin Sterling for transport help; and Tara, Donna, Jane, Kim, and all the shelter staff & volunteers at VCAS for their help and support!

Wonderful News…KENT IS ADOPTED!!! AFLAR pulled Kent from the Camarillo shelter in October, and he has already found his forever home with a wonderful family! His new sister is AFLAR alumni, Daisy, and they are becoming great friends. When Kent (now called “Jeter”) feels a little unsure about anything in his new home, Daisy comes and gives him kisses until he feels better. This goofy, lovable boy, who was a shelter favorite, has captured the hearts of his new dad and mom, Stuart and Debbie. Stuart said he wanted another pit bull because of the difficult time the breed is having finding homes. Stuart and Debbie have given AFLAR alumni, Daisy, an amazing home for the last four years and she is a very happy and very loved girl. On the heels of Thanksgiving, it's the perfect time to be thankful that another dog who was at the shelter, is now sleeping peacefully inside a warm home, with his new family!

Little white Princess was just a puppy when AFLAR pulled her from the shelter. She was adopted by Kristi Sedacca and her wonderful family, who saw her picture on one of our volunteer’s Facebook pages, and came to meet her! The rest is history! We get updates and adorable photos of little Princess, whose new name is Jinny!

Bella has found her forever home!!! AFLAR has loved and cared for this little sweetheart from the time she was 6-months old and we pulled her from the shelter with a broken leg to save her life. She has waited and waited for someone to see the bright shining jewel our Bella is, and at last it has happened. A family with children found her. We have always wanted her to have a family with children, as she loves them so. She has a yard where she can play with her ball. Many thanks to Charlie, her foster daddy, who took care of her while she waited for her new home. She loves her new family and her family loves her!

"I just wanted to share with you my joy for rescuing Mira, a little pitbull mix. Mira is happy, playful, loves to sneak in and sleep on the bed, enjoys her toys (especially a tiny monkey and a Hello Kitty Fairy), and we go for a least two walks a day. She loves the woman who delivers the mail, and often has to go out on the step to say hello. She also loves when I teach piano lessons, and will put her paws up on the piano bench. She lives with my partner and I, and his two little boys. One little boy has autism and is terrified of dogs, but he loves Mira because she "doesn't bark and wants to be my friend." It took her over a year to be comfortable with my partner, as she was obviously afraid of men. But she takes treats from him now, and goes to get her ears scratched. She is such a joy, and I'm so grateful to have her! Thank you for everything you did to rescue my baby!—Angela"

Chubs was hit by a car and had major damage to his foot, when he came to the shelter. When AFLAR pulled him months ago, one of our amazing volunteers, Gabby Reese, offered to foster him. It was a long road to recovery, and there were many bumps in the road...lots of vet visits, x-rays, casting, re-casting, and many months of medical care. We're so excited to formally announce that Gabby and her family are adopting Mr. Chubs!!! This handsome boy is now part of an awesome family, and has a brother and sister to play with. We want to send a very special thank you to Gabby and her family, for the loving care they gave Chubs all during his long recovery and healing. We couldn't wish for a more loving and happy forever home for our precious boy!!!

Our precious beauty Princess has found her forever family. She has been adopted by David and Heather, who fell in love at first sight. Because of her easy-going, sensitive and empathetic loving nature, she will serve as David's service dog. David, who is in the military, has PTSD and Princess serves as his companion, to allay the symptoms. She already has her service vest and Heather and David say it's like she has already been trained, because she is a natural. Thank you to our AFLAR volunteer Beckie, for seeing her potential and matching her with her new family!!! Princess has a big yard to run around in, and two loving parents. She bonded very quickly with David. On the first day when David had to go to a work site where she couldn't accompany him, she dragged his T-shirt into her crate to sleep on for the day, until he returned. We are overjoyed for Princess and her new family!

Daphne was adopted and has the love of her two moms, who said they instantly felt a connection when they saw her picture. Daphne is a champion at riding in the car, and she loves to go with her Moms everywhere they go. She lives in a home with a beautiful backyard. Daphne's new parents having been throwing summer parties, where she loves to meet and greet new friends. They are hoping to add another doggie friend for Daphne, and Daphne gets to pick!

Jetta has found her forever home!!! Her foster momma, Elvia, is adopting her!!! I remember the day I picked up Jetta and Master from the shelter, and they rode in the back seat of my car, so happy! They were so sweet together! In fact, even though they did not come in together and had just met at the shelter, they got along great and became so bonded, that VCAS actually kenneled them together!
Well, an amazing AFLAR volunteer, Elvia, offered to foster them BOTH!!! A few months later, Master got adopted, and he is doing great in his new home!! Elvia continued to foster Jetta, and over the past year and a half, they really bonded. Jetta is very loved and adored by Elvia, her son Joshua, and their big extended family. Due to Jetta's ongoing struggles with mast cell cancer, and 3 surgeries that AFLAR saw her through, we felt we had to take Jetta off the adoption roster. Jetta is currently cancer-free, and we hope she will stay that way! Because of the possibility of mast cell cancer reoccurrence, AFLAR has agreed to do a "partnered adoption." This means that AFLAR will take responsibility for raising money for her vet care, in the event of any cancer reoccurrence. AFLAR would like to thank Elvia and Joshua for the loving home that they have given Jetta, through all of her health challenges. Jetta feels safe and secure and very loved, which will positively affect her ability to stay cancer-free, and to live a long happy life with the family that adores her. Happy New Beginnings, precious Jetta!!!

Max is adopted!!! Four-month-old Max came into our rescue because Mary Ballard and her daughter Rosemary, were kind and big-hearted enough to take him in as a foster from a homeless man who was not able to care for him. He was sick at the time, and their generosity definitely saved his life. FOSTERING SAVES LIVES! They asker for AFLAR to help find him a forever home. So we did! After networking him, we were contacted by someone who adopted another AFLAR dog, and we knew right away that there could not be a better home for Max! So, here is Max and his new family...from a homeless, sick street dog, to a pampered and beloved pooch. Happy new beginnings Max!

Our precious Roxy found her forever home with the most amazing, loving parents—Linda & Mike!!! This is such a special adoption, because Roxy had such a long and difficult journey, and now she has a fairy-tale happy ending! When I pulled Roxy from the Camarillo shelter, she had very serious allergies and skin problems, and her ears were terribly infected because they’d been neglected for so long. With consistent medical care, AFLAR got her healthy and into a foster home, and after many months, there came an opportunity for Roxy to be adopted, in Canada. AFLAR got Roxy safely to Canada, where she was happy in her new home. Then after a year, she developed some health issues, and began having seizures. I had kept in touch with her family, and it soon became clear that they were becoming overwhelmed with her health issues, as well as some challenging family issues of their own. I told them I would take Roxy back, but because of her seizures, she wasn’t fit to travel. As AFLAR president and the one who pulled Roxy in the first place, I made the decision that Roxy needed more serious medical intervention, and so I took over her medical care immediately, by working with the vet in Canada, and paying all of Roxy’s medical bills. As soon as Roxy became stable and was able to travel, we brought her back to California, and she went into the most amazing foster home with Linda and Mike, and their three beautiful male doggies. When Linda saw my post looking for a foster home for Roxy, she told me she had recently lost one of her precious dogs, her only girl named Jackie, and was still grieving Jackie’s loss. She said she felt compelled to offer to foster Roxy. Well, after being in her new foster home back in California for several months, and receiving excellent medical care, Roxy was deliriously happy and healthy! One day I got the most wonderful call from Linda, telling me that she had completely fallen in love with Roxy, and could they please adopt her!!! She said, “I think Jackie sent Roxy my way, and now Roxy has stolen my heart. Tomorrow is my birthday, so it seems like a perfect gift for me and Roxy!” I could not wish for a more perfect, more loving, or a happier home for our Roxy… Thank you Linda & Mike!!!—Maripat Davis, AFLAR Founder and President

Remember Cuddles? He is now in his forever home in Ojai, and enjoying being spoiled by his new Momma, Donna! Donna says he is so sweet—"I just love him so much!!!" Cuddles enjoys watching TV on the couch with Donna, talking walks around his neightborhood, meeting new friends, and looking cute. This is an especially sweet announcement for me to make, since Cuddles (aka Hubie) was one of the first little dogs that I ever rescued back in 2009. Cuddles had a great family for many years, but sadly lost both this parents, and needed to find a new home. I am so happy that this sweet little boy, has found a home that he can call his own again, and someone who cherishes him, like he deserves. Cuddles, you have my heart, and all of us at AFLAR, wish you all the happiness and cuddles that you deserve!!!

Shugz was not doing well at the shelter. In fact, VCAS called AFLAR and asked for help with him. Even though the shelter staff was doing a great job trying to keep him exercised and engaged, his stress level was really bad. Our President and Founder, Maripat Davis, sent out a plea for a foster family, because in order to pull him, a foster was needed. He could not go into more boarding. Maripat got a call from Kalli Gedwed, offering to foster Shugz, and so we immediately pulled him and got him settled into his foster home. Shugz got along great with his foster sisters, pit bulls Bella & Lola, and he adored his foster mom and dad, Kalli and Chris Gedwed. After a few months, it was clear that Shugz was HOME. Shugz (short for “Sugar” because he is so sweet!) has been adopted by his foster family! Kalli says, “Shugz has adjusted nicely to our home. He and Bella play well together and even share toys. Shaggy loves to play fetch, go on walks, swim in the ocean, lay with his humans and looks forward to car rides! He has surpassed our expectations of what a loyal dog should be. We love him so much!” All of us at AFLAR are so happy that our special boy gets to be part of such a loving and beautiful family!!!

Soleil is so close to my heart. Soleil is one of the first pit bulls I ever rescued, and I remember the day I met her at the shelter. She embodied such sweetness, I’ll never forget kissing and hugging this gentle girl. My son and I fell head-over-heels in love with her! After I pulled Soleil, she was adopted into a wonderful home, where she lived happily with three doggie brothers and sisters, and a cat. Just last year, due to difficult circumstances, she and her other brothers and sisters needed to be re-homed. AFLAR was blessed to find Soleil a fantastic foster home with Beckie and Joshua, and her foster sister, Mieko. Then, within a month or so, our dear, sweet white angel Soliel found her forever home with a wonderful mom and dad, and a 4-footed brother, plus lots of extended family—Maripat Davis, AFLAR Founder and President

When I first met Kona at the shelter, she was named Blackie. I fell in love with her sweet temperament, her easy, mellow personality, and her gentleness. When I pulled her from the shelter a long time ago, euthanasia was a common thing, and this middle-aged black girl was in great danger. I knew she would not make it out of the shelter.
I said a prayer, and with the belief that there must be a special family somewhere out there waiting for this gentle soul, I pulled her out of the shelter. I am so happy to tell you that Kona is now in the most loving family, adopted by one of our magnificent volunteers, Sue. Sue and her family had to move back to New York recently, and after they got settled in their new home, the family flew back to California to get their girl!!! Words are not enough to express my happiness that this special girl finally has the amazing home she deserves, with a family to love and treasure her. She even has two doggie friends to take naps with!!! We send Sue, her family and Kona, all our love and wish them all the happiness in the world!—Maripat Davis, AFLAR Founder and President

Ningy Lou
I had sent out a plea for pit bulls that were in danger at the shelter, and I got a call from Marlo. She felt an immediate connection to Ningy Lou, and asked if she could meet her. We set up a time that Marlo could come down from Santa Barbara and meet me at the shelter, so I could introduce her to Ningy. Well, it was what you’d call love at first sight! They have been pretty much inseparable ever since—and thank goodness, Marlo’s husband Jacob loves Ningy, too! Ningy is a pit bull queen, and goes to work with Marlo every day, and gets gourmet, super healthy food, because Marlo is a fabulous cook! Ningy Lou struck the jackpot when she got Marlo & Jacob for parents, and I know they’d say that they struck the jackpot when they got their precious girl!!!—Maripat Davis, AFLAR Founder and President

Mary has found her forever home with D.J. and Katrina. Mary is a strong-minded adventurous girl, and she has found the perfect match with her new forever parents! They love to take her hiking and on truck rides to the back country. She was welcomed into her forever family and home with 6 new tennis balls in different colors, so that Mary could play her favorite game. Mary was a volunteer favorite when she was with AFLAR. We used to say “there’s something about Mary." We could all see how special, independent, funny, royal, composed and loving she is. Once you win her affection, you feel, well....honored! D.J. and Katrina met and got to know her, and they fell in love with the unique spirit that is Mary, just like we did! We know D.J. and Katrina will keep Mary supplied with endless tennis balls, fun adventures, and a lifetime of love.

Our precious BLEW was our first "street" rescue, taken from a bad living situation. We never knew his back story, but he had badly cropped ears and scars on his face. He wasn’t neutered, and who knows if he’d ever seen a vet. Despite his past, he was the sweetest, most chill guy you'd ever meet. From the moment I met him, it was clear that he was an “old soul” and a most beautiful soul. When I took him into our rescue, we did not have any open foster homes. We struggled to cover boarding bills, and medical care for him from the moment we took him on. We tried for 2 years to find him a home through the rescue,but to no avail. Then, one of our volunteers, Debi Reeves, met and fell in love with him at first sight, and started a photo blog for him on our Facebook page called "Blew's Big Adventures". She took him everywhere with her to meet new people and see new places, in search of a forever home for him. She already had two dogs and a cat at home, and couldn't bring him home with her at that time. Then our Blew developed mast cell cancer and we put out a plea for a foster home for him. He went through 3 surgeries before we finally found him a foster home to recover in and undergo chemotherapy. He was so happy there, but sadly, after about a year, he lost that home through no fault of his own. The thought of Blew having to go back into boarding was devastating. Debi offered to foster him, and to try to blend him with her existing pack. Our trainer, Gail Majors, helped with his transition into his new foster home with two dogs and one cat! Patience and love rewarded everyone with a happy pack of 3 dogs and a kitty. Because of his serious and on-going medical issues, Debi adopted Blew in partnership with AFLAR, and AFLAR continued to cover all of his medical expenses. BLEW WAS FINALLY HOME! We were all so elated! Blew was finally in his own home, with Debi... a love story with a happy ending! Then almost a year into his forever life, he started developing different symptoms. He was losing weight and collapsing. Emergency veterinary care showed a damaged heart and arrhythmia. Medication got the heartbeat under control and we breathed a sigh of relief. But Blew continued to lose weight, and was not doing well. An abdominal ultrasound gave us the sad news. Blew's cancer had invaded his body internally. Our precious boy was terminally ill. We didn't know how long he had, but we were determined to give him the best of whatever time he had left. Blew had what he needed most, a loving home, which is the greatest gift. Blew’s illness progressed quicker than we anticipated and he passed away on April 13th, 2016, in the arms of his mama Debi. We know he soared very high when he left his earthly body behind, because he was so loved. We miss him every day… but I don’t think he would want us to be sad. I think he would want to tell everyone that his life was complete, that he knew he was loved and cherished... and I think he would like to thank the many people who helped him and loved him, on his journey home.—Maripat Davis, AFLAR Founder and President

DELILAH HAS A FOREVER DADDY!!! Our adorable Delilah is ADOPTED. Her new daddy was formerly her foster daddy, but he fell in love with our Delicious Del and couldn't let her go anywhere but with him FUREVER!!!! We are so thrilled that this love match has been made. Delilah adores her Dad, and he adores her.

SHIVA: A love story! This brindle beauty had been at the shelter for a long time; too long. She was becoming stressed and was not kenneling well. She started to injure her paws, trying to get out of her kennel at the shelter. She needed to get out! Even though we did not have a foster, I pulled her, put her into medical boarding for several days, and then she went into boarding at CARL. She became a favorite of our volunteers, and was ALMOST adopted several times, but through no fault of her own, her forever home eluded her. She began to have health issues that were a mystery, which AFLAR spent months testing and trying to treat, only to find that ultimately, it was all stress related. I used to cry when I visited Shiva in boarding, because—even though our AFLAR volunteers showered her with so much love and attention—she longed for her own home and her own person. I felt her pain and emptiness, and I felt her longing. Shiva is an “old soul” and she belonged on a bed, beside someone who loved and adored her. Then one day, a new AFLAR volunteer came on board, and took Shiva under her wing. One of my favorite angels and AFLAR volunteers, Karin, began to brighten Shiva’s world, and the love affair began. It has been a slow and beautiful story, the way it has unfolded. I am beyond ecstatic to tell you that Karin has adopted Shiva, and they are both blessings to each other, as they both are to AFLAR. They both glow… and to this day, every time I think of Shiva and Karin together, I smile…and the world is a little brighter!!!—Maripat Davis, AFLAR Founder and President

Mason was adopted and has a wonderful Momma, Luciana! Mason was featured on the TV show CESAR 911 with Cesar Millan. Luciana says, "Mason is an amazing dog. Thank you for saving him from the Camarillo shelter four years ago. He is one of the best pits. We love him so much!"

Leila (now Rosy)
Rosy (formerly "Leila") was adopted by the parents of her foster mom. The retired couple live on an apple farm in Oregon wine country. She has the run of 10 acres and spends her days chasing away the deer, and following her dad around, as he checks the apples for cider season. She's an only dog, but that's just fine with her, because she likes to be the only one to get all of the attention! When she's not with her dad, she and her mom go for walks, and visit neighbors and do errands like fetching the daily mail.

Chloe (now Koda)
Chloe, now called Koda, is adopted! Happy new beginnings beautiful girl. Chloe/Koda lucked out in the family she chose and now has two loving parents, Josh and Becky, and a four-footed friend, Kydon. Koda is so happy to have her very own people, at last. Josh says she became part of the family faster than he would have ever imagined. She is an ambassador pit bull! Making friends wherever she goes.

WONDERFUL NEWS!!! PHILLIPS IS ADOPTED! His foster family love him and could not bear the thought of him going back to boarding, when they move. So they have found a house where they can have all of their dogs. Phillips now has his forever home with a wonderful rescue-hearted family where he is loved, and who he loves back just as much. We will miss Phillips and the whole family who have been such awesome volunteers for our rescue, capping it off by adopting
our beloved Philly.

Carlton was a very special soul. When Kim Jones found him in the middle of a busy street in Oxnard, she said she’d never met a pit bull before and was scared to death, but something wouldn’t let her look the other way. She coaxed him into her car and brought him to the Camarillo shelter. After being boarded at the shelter for months, he was very stressed and wasn’t doing well. And he also had medical issues that weren’t able to be taken care of there. He was in danger of being euthanized. Kim was his advocate, and she told me about this special boy who needed urgent help. I got busy raising donations for his medical care, pulled him from the shelter, and AFLAR got him the surgery and care that he needed. And then, all of us at AFLAR began our love affair with this sweet boy, Carlton! In the year or so that AFLAR cared for Carlton, before his forever home came along, we all fell in love with this handsome white love muffin. He would give you his hand to shake, and look into your eyes and melt your heart. We were overjoyed when his forever family came along, and we are so grateful to Hope and Sarah for taking him into their hearts and home, and giving him the life that he deserved. I have no idea why Carlton’s time was so short… but I know that he experienced the ultimate that any soul can experience in their life on this earth—having a home, being an integral part of a family, feeling safe and happy, and being cherished and loved unconditionally! I would like to share some beautiful words about Carlton, from his Momma, Hope. "Carlton was such a big part of our lives and our family. There was an innocent and remarkable joy about him that was unmeasurable, and will forever be irreplaceable in our home. Much like the joy you would see from an underprivileged child on their first Christmas morning as part of an adopted family. Little things amazed and intrigued Carlton, and it was pure joy for us to watch him appreciate the very simple things in life, that most take for granted. I thank all of you at AFLAR for everything you did for him before we got him. And everything you do for all the dogs. You put so much of your hearts and souls into these animals before the rest of us even meet them. I hope each and every one of you feel blessed and proud of what you did for that once homeless, beautiful guy. You gave him the ultimate gift, in providing him the tools he needed to enjoy being a family man. His spirit is with all of us, AFLAR included, and will follow close beside us for eternity." We all feel blessed to have known and loved Carlton, and will carry him in our hearts forever.—Maripat Davis, AFLAR Founder and President

Hobie (now Kobie)
I got an urgent call that this dog was in danger of being euthanized at the shelter, and I had four hours to save him. I pulled him and he went into boarding while we tried to find him a home. Through networking, Kobie found his forever home in Washington, with Alethea. Kobie is extremely important to Alethea because she has, in her own words, "serious impairments of PTSD and depression. Each and every day, as Kobie and I work more closely together, I see his natural born skill and intelligence for service work. With certification and testing in CGC and PAT, there is nothing that Kobie will not be able to do. I feel safe again, and I know whatever the future holds, I will face it with Kobie working beside me. We are fast becoming a strong working team, and the sky is truly the limit!" It's frightening to think how close this special dog came to being killed at a shelter. Look at the important work he's doing, and the amazing life he's living!——Maripat Davis, AFLAR Founder and President














Sonic (now Izzie)









Naveen (now Moose)





BeBe (now Phoebe)



Sterling Blue














Dori's Puppy






Canela (now Chica)



Monkey & Cinnamon




Joy & Major